Stewardship by Rev. Pace


“At the end of the day only two things matter: Divine relationships & Faithful Stewardship.”

  1. Definition of these Terms.

1. Stewardship – Taking responsibility for the resources God has entrusted into my care and using them to accomplish His will.

Time – Focused energy on using (me) God’s resource at the point of need as orchestrated by God.

Talents – Natural abilities given by God for the betterment of self and mankind in accomplishing His will on earth.

Treasure – Financial resources released by God into my care to accomplish His will with and through my family, church and community.


In a 24-hour day, how much time could you set aside as a disciple to participate in stewardship activities?

God gives us 168 hours in a week how many hours could you give back to God in stewardship; service; spiritual self-care?

I give at least 20 hours a week to some form of stewardship, service or spiritual self-care. Yes, I am a preacher of the Gospel and work at a church; however, I know if I fail to keep myself before the Lord in every aspect of life and ministry, Satan is there waiting to drag me down.

So, I spend the time fortifying the walls of heart, mind, and soul as not to give place to the evil one. Not easy, but necessary.


Someone has said that “talent or ability is a gift from God that has not been surrendered to the Holy Spirit in service.” 

List your talents and abilities.




Logical/Technical Thinker

Information Technologist

Network Engineering and Administration

What talent (s) or abilities have you sharpened and become proficient in that undergirds and sustains your life and livelihood?

Public Speaking

Caregiving and Counseling

Information Technology Engineering and Management

What is it that you are good at with people? 

Helping others fix this that are broken and motivating people to move beyond their own self-imposed limitation.

Someone has said that “talent or ability is a gift from God that has not been surrendered to the Holy Spirit in service.” 

What are some new or creative ways can your talents or abilities be used to help others?

Develop training programs to help others learn what I have learned.

Use my IT background to engineer ways for this local body to reach of others often overlooked

Do a Bible/scripture search of examples of your abilities and list three examples along with bible characters?


What is most valuable to me?

My family, my community and most of all my relationship with GOD. 

I make an attempt every day to spend some time with GOD. That time is spent in prayer or meditation.

Posted in Spiritual Formation 1-20/2020.