Spiritual Self-Care by Sis. Faison

A. Spiritual Self-Care is the intentional implementation and participation in activities or habits that place me in the very presence of God.  It is my way of enhancing my one-on-one relationship with God. 

B. Three examples of Spiritual Self-Care are:

  (1) Daily Bible reading; (2) Prayer; (3) Journaling

C. Seven Spiritual Disciplines that have given me strength and direction over the years are:

  1. Bible Reading
  2. Prayer
  3. Silence
  4. Solitude
  5. Journaling
  6. Sabbath-keeping
  7. Fasting

D. Three Spiritual Disciplines that Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. relied on are: (1)prayer, (2) Scripture Reading, (3) Solitude

E. I can exercise three of the newer Spiritual Disciplines in the following ways:

  • Intentionally set aside a designated date and time to practice Sabbath-keeping
  • Incorporate 5-15 minutes of solitude into my daily routine to allow me time to commune with God and be available to hear from Him.
  • Plan to include a fast from technology and television during the Lenten Season

F. My plan for Spiritual Self-Care of the Spirit that I intend to include in my future is to set aside one day per quarter for a spiritual retreat (possibly one silent retreat per year). I want to spend one day at the beach or near a body of water and spend one day in the mountains.  My goal would be to allow God to speak to me through His creation.


Spiritual Self-Care by Min. Irving


A.  Spiritual Self-Care is the continued maintenance that a Believer applies to him or herself to “glorify God in the body and spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor 6:20, NKJV). I also think of Jesus’ exhortation in John 14, “Let not your heart be troubled.” “Care” stems from the heart, and the instruction admonishes a personal responsibility to guard, protect, preserve, and maintain oneself spiritually.

B. Three examples of Spiritual Self-Care:

  1. Meditation (Ps 1:2)
  2. Obedience (Heb 13:17)
  3. The discipline of Diet (1 Cor 6:12-20)

C. 7- Personal Spiritual Disciplines:

  1. Fasting
  2. Prayer
  3. Morality (purity)
  4. Self-control (over speech)
  5. Giving
  6. Meditation
  7.  Obedience 

D. 3- Spiritual Disciplines of Dr. King:

  1. Obedience 
  2. Giving
  3. Meditation (study)

E. “Prayer” and “Fasting” are both independent and collective aspects of Spiritual Discipline that can always be an area of further submission unto God. I like to start my day with prayer, but I don’t always end my day with prayer — being more intentional about honoring God before I close my eyes would add to my Spiritual Self-Discipline. This year, I don’t want only to increase the frequency of fasting, but find more efficient ways to fast — what else can I give up during the fast? And in the discipline of “Giving,” being more intentional about asking the Lord how I should give of my Time, Talent, and Treasure — how can I please God rather than make my offerings to Him out of obligation? 

Humbly shared by:
Minister Irving